School Day
School starts promptly at 8.45 am. The school gates are opened at 8.30 am and children are expected to go straight to their classrooms. Please drop your child by the grey pedestrian gate (at the entrance to the playground). If you are a working parent and need to drop your child off earlier at school, we operate a breakfast club (Larks) from 7.45 am each morning, which takes place in the school hall. To find out more please click here.
End of School
School finishes at 3.25 pm and the children will come out via the grey pedestrian gate. This area obviously gets very crowded so it might be helpful to arrange a meeting point with your child. Parents of children in years 3 and 4 are invited to wait in the designated areas in the playground. If your child is in years 5 or 6 please meet them outside school. Please remind your child that if you, or the person who should collect them, are not waiting for them, they should return to the school office, where staff will contact the parents.
After school care is available until 6 pm each day. For further information please click here.
Pupils attend school for 33.25 hours per week.
Parking and One Way System
Parking around the school at the beginning and end of each day always presents a problem. We ask that you walk where possible, or park a little further away and walk the short distance to the school. If you do need to drive, please use our voluntary one-way system (from Queen Mary's Drive into The Avenue, then right into Manor Drive). Please be considerate of local residents when parking.
We have a whole-school assembly for pupils on Monday mornings. Each Wednesday there is hymn practice. Class assemblies take place on Thursday's at 2.55pm (unless otherwise notified). Each class will perform two assemblies per year to which parents, carers, grandparents, aunties, uncles and friends are invited. Easter and Christmas assemblies take place at school.
Children may bring in a named bottle of water each day.
If you would like your child to have school milk, this can be arranged through Cool Milk at School Ltd.
Please contact the school office for an application form or go to
Break Time
Morning break is from 10.45 am until 11.00 am. We encourage children to bring in a piece of fruit to eat at morning break. Children are not allowed to eat crisps, sweets etc during morning play.
Lunch Times
Lunch time is from 12 noon until 12.50 pm. Meals are taken in the school hall. In the summer months Year 6 pupils can eat packed lunches outside.