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Letters To Parents

Copies of letters of upcoming events can be found on this page.

  1. Y6 - Oliver rehearsal date letter 25 03 2024
    PDF File
  2. Medical questionnaire letter 2024
    PDF File
    PDF File
  4. Spring Summer 2024 menu letter to parents.
    PDF File
  5. Whatsapp behaviour 13 03 2024
    PDF File
  6. Become a Governor 07 03 2024
    PDF File
  7. Online Abuse Letter to Parents Mar 2024
    PDF File
  8. Y4 - Bikeability letter to parents
    PDF File
  9. Head lice 22 01 2024
    PDF File
  10. Video Appointments Parents - How to attend appointments over video call - SchoolCloud Parents Evening
    PDF File
  11. Inviting another parent instructions
    PDF File
  12. Teaching of Spelling 09 01 2024
    PDF File
  13. Y6 School Trip info 2023-2024
    PDF File
  14. Y5 School Trip info 2023-2024
    PDF File
  15. Y4 School Trip info 2023-2024
    PDF File
  16. Y3 School Trip info 2023-2024
    PDF File
  17. SATs results July 2023
    PDF File
  18. Launch letter Osmington Bay 2024
    PDF File
  19. Y6 PGL Frequently Asked Questions 2023
    PDF File
  20. Y6 PGL Insurance Affinity Travel Schedule
    PDF File
  21. OfSTED Report 2023
    PDF File
  22. OfSTED report letter to parents 2023
    PDF File
  23. Ofsted inspection letter to parents 31 01 2023
    PDF File
  24. Lockdown Drill Letter 2023
    PDF File
  25. SCC Important information for parents and carers Group A Strep and Invasive Group A Strep 6 December 2022
    PDF File
  26. Doodle maths 26 09 2022
    PDF File
  27. Yr 6 Trip info letter 2022
    PDF File
  28. Yr 5 Trip info letter 22 - 23
    PDF File
  29. Yr 4 trip info letter 22 - 23
    PDF File
  30. Y3 School Trip info 2022-2023
    PDF File
  31. Queen II Remembrance book 15 09 2022
    PDF File
  32. 2022 January - Wider School Advice letter
    PDF File
  33. Video Appointments Parents - How to attend appointments over video call - SchoolCloud Parents Evening
    PDF File
  34. Parents Evening - inviting another parent instructions
    PDF File
  35. Do you know what your child is doing online May 2021
    PDF File
  36. Primary Maths Dictionary 24 02 2020
    PDF File
  37. websites resource 24 02 2020
    DOCX File
  38. Parental Behaviour October 2019
    PDF File
  39. Operation Encompass Parents Letter September 2018
    PDF File
  40. Mobile phone agreement form
    PDF File
  41. Risks children face online - Cyberbullying
    PDF File
  42. Risks children face online-Online grooming
    PDF File
  43. Risks children face online - Accessing inappropriate websites
    PDF File
  44. Keeping your child safe online - Parents and Carers Check List
    PDF File
  45. Year 6 Hoodie letter 2024
    PDF File
  46. PGL Final info to parents May24
    PDF File
  47. Runnymede meadows trip letter 3rd and 4th June 2024
    PDF File
  48. Thames explorer June 2024
    PDF File